La Bendicion

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La Bendicion
Water Conveyance System

In early 2016, EWB-PSP started discussion with Agros International regarding infrastructure needs for the new community of La Bendicion.

EWB-PSP is providing its technical expertise to design a gravity water system that will be a sustainable source of clean water for the entire La Bendicion Community.

This new system will secure enough water for the existing community to use for at least 20 years.

The new system will also remove the health risks of the existing system.


Grant writing, Logistics, Accounting, and Facilitation help needed.

The Nicaragua team will design a gravity water system that can function without a pump or electricity.

The design will account for locally sourced materials; ease of operation and maintenance and long design life.

The gravity fed water supply system would also include water treatment including sedimentation and filtration, and water storage that allows the water to be treated with chlorine to assure no health risks to the community.

Since 2008, EWB-PSP and Agros have partnered on three projects, of which two have been successfully implemented.

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