Uganda ICT Project

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Help Build the ICT Center!

The Panykworo community is working to raise its share of funds for the new facility which they will own and operate.

You can support the Puget Sound Professionals chapter of EWB-USA with the design, and help fund the construction of new Co-Ope ICT center.

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The Need

The Co-ope Information Communication Technology (ICT) Center, in the Ugandan village of Panyk woro, is a computer literacy site, run by a number of dedicated volunteers and community training staff to bring the benefits of the Internet to their local village residents. The center also plays a leading role in health education and cultural awareness for young people.
Currently, the Co-ope ICT site is housed in a cramped, rented room off the side of the main village road. But, with the donation of land by a local resident, the community is working to establish a permanent center that can accommodate larger groups of people with more functional facilities, enabling presentations, workshops, and other community development and youth empowerment events to take place on a regular basis. The community is now working to raise its share of funds for the new building and are looking for EWB support in the design and construction of the center. Solar lights and a clean water source for the building are additional projects the community envisions.

The Response

The Puget Sound Professional chapter now has an opportunity to help this center expand and add to the services it provides. A team has been formed to address the needs in the village of Panykworo and a Chapter Application to Acquire an EWB-USA Program (or 502) was submitted in mid-Feb 2014.

Project Overview

Co-ope ICT Center will be designed in total as three different projects:
Project 1: Design and construct an ICT center for the village of Panykworo.
Project 2: Install solar outdoor lighting to improve the security of the (ICT)
Project 3: Design and construct a water source for the ICT.

Learn More & Get Involved!

To learn more about this project, please email  Check the Calendar page for our upcoming meetings!

Volunteers Needed:

  • Structural design and construction engineers
  • Monitoring and evaluation professionals
  • Architects
  • Computer science engineers


The ICT project aims to empower the community, and particularly its youth, by developing computer training, as well as training in other life and professional skills.  The center will serve as a focal point for the community, accommodating educational, social, cultural and recreational opportunities.

You contribution is greatly appreciated! CLICK HERE TO DONATE.

To donate to the Uganda ICT, in the online form, for the "Designation" field, select "Uganda: Gulu District" from the dropdown list.